Climate Science

Forestry as one of the climate solutions

Here's the intro to this piece by CFA Society United ...

Climate tipping points might be triggered even if limited to 1.5C

Here's the intro from this Bloomberg article: The drought- and ...

“Net Negative 110 by 2068”

Here's a note from Mark McElroy: For all of the ...

The Arctic is warming 4x faster than the rest of the planet

Here's an article from CNN about this research: As sea ...

Climate science explained in an infographic

Here's a note from Christoph Baumann about this infographic: The ...

Humans are overexploiting wild species & habitats

Here's a note from Darius Nassiry about this article: Addressing ...

Atlantic Ocean ‘pretty much dead’ as plankton wiped out

Here's a note from Ralph Thurm about this article entitled ...

Half the Alps’ glacial ice will melt no matter what

Here's a note from Darius Nassiry about this article: Half ...

The need to protect biodiversity and regenerate nature

Following up on my recent blog about "Is biodiversity the ...

Flowcharts of known – and unknown – climate interdependencies

Here's a note from Markus Wimmer about this Chatham House ...